

Nanocomposites achieved by dispersing nanostructured fillers in polymer matrix that can be used in aerospace industry as anti-static, anti-lighting, anti-radar protectors, as paints laminates and sandwich structure

The most important application of nanocomposites is their use in engineered structural composites. 

Nanocomposites with epoxy P401 resin matrix additivated with 3 types of nano-fillers: carbon nanotubes (single and multi- wall), laser-synthesized nanocarbon and layered silicates

Fig. 1. Mechanical Strength of Structural Nanocompositeswith epoxy matrix and 2% nanoadditive


Fig. 2. Elasticity modulus of epoxy resin P401 + nanostructured additives


The thermo-mechanical and tribological properties of nanocomposites are improved due to proportions until 2% nanoadditives.

Last Updated on Friday, 25 May 2012 23:25